Thread: What next?
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Old Fri Apr 14, 2006, 11:03am
Al Al is offline
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Hey mcrowder,

Just before leaving the ball field last night I talked to the administrator about the problems I'm still having with this one coach and sometimes her assistant. He already knew about the problems I had in the last game both with her and her assistant. Her teams name is "thunder"... which fits the way she talks to her players and the umpires at times. The administrator is also an umpire and during my game last night he was umpiring 10/under f/p in the field right across from where I was. He told me he had already heard about my teenage partner being driven to tears. I think her Mom must have told him what happened. To my surprise he said she needs to be able to control her emotions if she wants to be umpiring any more games. I told him she didn't start to cry while on the field but in between innings and where only a few people could see her. Then I told him about the bat throwing warning that the coach claimed she never heard, even though I gave the warning twice and those in her own dugout heard it. She was closer to me than her dugout. When I told him what she said about her not being a man was the problem, and she should quit and get a man to coach her team he told me he is going to call her and talk to her. Then he said he was going to call all the coaches. He told me T-ball is sometimes brutal. He reminded me what he said about not taking any nonsense from anyone. I guess I just keep thinking this coach will stop being such a jerk and I would rather not have to toss anyone, but in her case, judging from the comments I get from fans, I feel her ejection may get a lot of cheering. Thanks, You're exactly correct. ..Al
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