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Old Thu Apr 13, 2006, 09:08pm
zebraman zebraman is offline
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Originally Posted by finnref
Judgement, judgement. But some criteria and philosophy are needed. I have vacillated over my career about the following call. Player driving to the basket on a clear path and the sole defender reaches and tags him slightly without interferring with him. Whistle, whistle. Saw it several times in March Madness games by big officials. Player scores. Wipe it out. OOb or shoot the fouls. If the big guys call this incidental contact, "non-incidental", am I and you to do otherwise. What say you.
The "big officials" aren't 100% perfect. They have whistles that they wish they could have back too. Ideally, you'd like to delay your whistle on this play. If the contact doesn't affect the driver, let it go. If it ends up being more than incidental, call it. Sometimes, "late is great." It's an art not a science. Like anything else, you'll get better at it with practice.

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