Walmart Special
I've stayed out of the conversation on this until now and will mostly continue to do so. I will say I'm a union member so it's obvious which side I'm on.
At the Portland Sea Dogs, AA, Eastern League game tonight, the umpires are all wearing different colored pants and different jackets. The PU while doing a decent job calling pitches is wearing pants that he must have purchased at the local Walmart on his way to the game.
It's interesting to note that none of the umpires are from the local umpire board (which I am also a member of) but are from the board to our north. One reason is we have a guy who does a lot of fill-in games and another who is a former PBUC umpire who was released so the union is certainly getting some support here.
It's one thing if we wear slightly differnt uniforms in our games, another if they do it at the pro level.