Thu Apr 13, 2006, 09:22am
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Gentlemen, gentlemen?
Since I am the person that started this thread I am going to take it upon myself to get it back on track. Yes, I use the word scab; and JIGGY correctly defined a scab, the word that I used in my origianl post.
That definition of scab is the point I am making. The umpires that are taking the place of the striking umpires are unprofessional and unethical. I know that is a very strong statement to make but it is true, nonetheless. I know if an incident in a fast pitch softball tournament last year, where the tournament director came onto the field while the game was in progress and stopped the game to complain to the plate umpire for tossing a coach who lost control of himself when his pitcher was penalized for quick pitching. The tournament director was told to leave the field by the PU. Instead he pushed the PU and swore at him. This was done if front of the BU and all of the spectators watching the game. The PU walked off the field, but his BU refused to leave the field and an unpire would had a game off gladly took the PU's place so he could make another game fee.
Yes, scab is a fighting word, but it what the replacement umpires are doing make them worthy of being called a scab and I cannot possibly have any respect for them when they gladly stab a fellos sports official in the back just so that they can earn some "big" money and have a memory of their big chance.
MTD, Sr.
It's not TRUE, Mark. It's your OPINION. There's a difference. And your story is completely unrelated to the MiLU situation.