Originally Posted by JRutledge
In my world when you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.
Ah... so THAT's what you're doing when you answer nearly every thread with "Why would anyone care?"... taking a stand. Uh... whatever.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Take a hint from the way I respond to these threads. If I really, really cared, then why would I say things that are going to get a negative response?
And if you didn't care, why would you bother to try to hijack 50% of the threads away from any actual usefulness.
Originally Posted by JRutledge
Also I am not sure why someone comes to a discussion board and is afraid to hear the opinions of those that are contrary to their opinion.
I don't think I could ever be lopped into the crowd of being afraid to hear contrary opinions. I think that label would be more fitting to someone who tries to shut out any true discussions with continual red herrings. Read anything familiar here, JR? It does beg the question: If you don't care about any of this why do you waste your (and OUR) time letting us know how inane our little opinions are? I've yet to see a single posting of yours that furthers ANY topic. So, to find out the answer to your own question, I have to ask: Why DO you come here?