Originally Posted by jwwashburn
It seems that a lot of umpires refuse to even consider anything different or new. Generations of baseball umpires got very close to calls at first and usually in foul territory. Just because it has been done one way for a very long time does not make it the best way.
Why can't we have a discussion without people getting surly and insulting?
Trying to call good,
Joe In Michigan
And yet, you immediately dismissed my responses out of hand. Are you Mr. Pot or Mr. Kettle?
I've worked baseball (22 years). This is my 40th year of umpiring and I've tried quite a few things whether they were in the manual or not.
Personally, from your responses, I have to give Steve's opinion some weight. What makes you think just because you "found" something, that others haven't already been there, done that and are responding to your post with viable experiences? EXPERIENCES, not opinion.
Steve and I teach mechanics. We've learned from some of the best in ASA, and on ocassion, NCAA. What you suggested has been tried, often. It does not work on the small diamond.