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Old Fri Apr 07, 2006, 10:01pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by Nate1224hoops
It definetly stands out. VA hasn't gone to the shot clock yet, which I am sure they will at some point in the future, but other than the sake of being different I really don't understand not having the 10 sec. count. I just think that rule slows the game down a lot. Talk about getting a lead and playing four corners. Dean Smith coulda had a field day with this.
They have 30 seconds to shoot. What does it matter where the ball is or what they're doing during that 30 seconds? Why does it matter that the player is standing on one side of the division line or the other? Well Duke was dribbling the ball in the BC, did Maryland have the option of going after her? Did they? Then waht does it matter?
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