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Old Fri Apr 07, 2006, 12:23pm
coach41 coach41 is offline
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Before everyone gets excited, let's get some more information:

bbcoach7 - What level of ball do you coach? As long as I have been reffing high school ball (4 years now), there hasn't been a 10 second backcourt violation for California. I think this special "exception" has been in existence for far longer than the 4 years I've reffed high school ball.

Nate1224hoops - On other hand, because the 10 second backcourt violation does not exist in CA, there IS a 5 second closely guarded BACKCOURT rule. CA uses a 30 second shot clock for high school girls basketball.

Now, for the CYO/Middle school teams (i.e. teams below 9th grade) and other leagues/tournaments for women, I would think the 10 second backcourt violation WOULD BE in effect if there is no shotclock being used.

bbcoach7 - As far as teams not pressing, I'm not sure why teams in your area have stopped pressing even without the 10 second violation.. However, here in SF, plenty of high school teams continue to press. Division IV State Champion Sacred Heart Catherdral (with no players over 5'10") use the press to force the tempo of the game and get steals. SF's public schools, which don't have a lot of size these days use the press in a similiar fashion.
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