Thread: Scab Umpires
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Old Fri Apr 07, 2006, 12:03pm
irefky irefky is offline
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First of all I support the Minor League Umpires and really feel that they have been short changed for a long time. I am not sure how they make it on this type of salary in the first place.

I remember a few years ago were the current major league player through MLBPA cut a percentage from the current players to help former players who were not fortunate to make the cash they do today.

Has anything been asked of the current MLBUA to do this? I am not sure of what these guys make but they all come up through the ranks of minor league baseball and know the day to day struggles.

These umpires, are they local high school umpires? How do they afford to leave their work to do these games? It seems that it would be hard to find umpires who are employed to work day games.

Myself, there's no way I could just drop my job and work games at this level unless they were all played during the evening.