30 minutes on how to dress the part, including equipment needs. Provide catalogs/web sites to order uniforms and equipment.
60 minute video on field positioning, followed by 30 minutes of questions and discussion.
30 minutes on pre-game discussion requirements.
120 minutes of plate mechanics on the field with live pitcher/catcher or pitching machine/catcher. Cut the participants in half, and the others are working on 120 minutes of field mechanics.
Lunch for 30 minutes (hot dogs, chips, sodas, etc), then swap, plate guys to bases, base guys go to plate.
60 minutes for Jim Evans balk video
Go over rules for 60 minutes, use the Babe Ruth Test as a guide.
The last 60 minutes should be taking the Babe Ruth rules test to become certified. The 60 minute review prior to taking the test should help prepare them to take the test. There is a fee to become certified. The participants should pay, of if the league is serious about getting certified umpires they should pay.
That's 10 hours. Good luck.
Last edited by DG; Thu Apr 06, 2006 at 09:17pm.