Originally Posted by BigUmp56
Let me ask you a question then, "Jiggy." If you have no real vested interest in the AMLU plight, why do you feel it's your responsibility to defend their position?
I can't tell you exactly why he is defending their position, but I have an idea. He is fighting for his friends and a way of life that he lived and the people that he lived it with and who have sacrificed almost everything to live that life. He is fighting for those that earned the right to work where they work and do what they do. While I am fighting for them, because I truly feel that a stirke will change the system into something else, that is why I will not cross. I don't care if you or anyone else thinks me a scab, but I do care if the guys I worked pro-ball with think me one, that is why I won't cross and that is why he is fighting in defense of their postion.