Needs for a Babe Ruth Level Clinic?
I've just volunteered to offer a clinic/camp for my local group of Babe Ruth Umpires.
I don't work this level but have seen those that work our local Little League, assume that Babe Ruth umpires are a step above them (maybe, for the the most part), and think they could probably use some guidance.
If I host a clinic/camp with 10 hours of instruction (which is totally inadequate, but an umpire must start somewhere) what should I cram into those hours?
I'm currently thinking two 3-hour sessions of classroom discussion - very brief rules and mechanics; a couple hours of drills; a couple hours of on the field direction during a scrimmage.
What materials should I make available to them? books, handouts, overheads...
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford