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Old Thu Apr 06, 2006, 09:09am
Justme Justme is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
When I say "locked in", I am referring to setting to a standard, "one-size fits all" stance.
Back when I was new to umpiring I would change my stance to fit each batter...results? Inconsistent strike zone. Now my stance changes only if the batter blocks part of my view by being too close to the plate or if F2 sets up blocking my inside view.

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
What is wrong with moving your head to "track the ball"? That is some old-school thinking that I ignored in 1966 just as I do today. We're not talking about bobbing around behind the plate, but simply following the ball into the catcher's glove. Makes it much easier to determine if the ball was cleanly caught or not. Remember, in softball, the umpire is usually closer to the plate.
The mechanic of not moving your head isn't just a 1966 mechanic, it is also a 2006 mechanic. I never have to move my head to see the pitch all the way to F2's mitt. I'm not saying that I never get sloppy and let it happen but it is very rare.

Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
And that's fine, but IMO, the games are not the same, the equipment isn't the same and the player's mechanics are not the same, so why would you expect the umpire's mechanics to be the same?
I agree with you, the games are not exactly the same but they are very close. I have not found enought differences between the two games to alter my stance.

Bottom line is, it really doesn't matter what your stance is, what matters is your strike zone & consistency. If we all did things the same way we wouldn't be having all of this fun debating things here

Last edited by Justme; Thu Apr 06, 2006 at 09:57am.
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