Thu Apr 06, 2006, 02:25am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 65
Originally Posted by David B
Got some more training to do.
I had a new partner last week that I've never even met before which meant that he blew off the rules meetings. I had the dish. I called a balk in the 1st after which he was trying to signal me that I had the count wrong. He was telling me that I was one ball short in my count. Between innings he told me that I had failed to issue a ball on the balk. I told him you don't issue a ball on a balk. He was adamant that you did. A couple of innings later he told me I needed to get a rule book and learn the rules! After that he tried to start quizzing me on different rules. Whenever the innings ended after that & I saw him headed my way I headed the other way. I spent most of the rest of the game hanging out between Home & 3rd just to keep the peace!
I just found out that I’ve got him twice more this season. Any suggestions for dealing with this guy???