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Old Wed Apr 05, 2006, 09:21am
David B David B is offline
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Both ways work

Originally Posted by PWL

I work with so many different people, they all seem to do something a little different. I could ask three different umpires the same question and get three different answers.

I agree, that manual isn't really worth much. Maybe to prop up an uneven table leg instead of using sugar packets.

We don't discuss mechanics at meetings, if ever. I am scheduled to work with our association president Friday. I'll get his feedback and go from there. I know they want us to take the second play in the infield at 3B. I'm just not sure about PU covering home on an overthrow at 3B. I know of the mechanic JustMe is talking about. I didn't know if it is was only CCA or pro.

They still want PU to take runner into 3B on triple with no one on. Why, I couldn't tell you. I wish they would have some sort of hand out explaining exactly what mechanics the association uses. We have too many people winging it.

I've been in groups that have done it both ways. I personally like for PU to take the runner to third. It gives two men for a possible run down etc.,

And its easy for BU to go home on an overthrow.

But it also works well with BU taking the runner to 3rd.

Not a big deal unless you have a partner who is out of shape. (g)

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