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Old Tue Apr 04, 2006, 01:30pm
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
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Originally Posted by ChuckElias
Tom, if you feel it's a big deal, then knock yourself out. I didn't mean to touch a nerve. The answer just seems obvious to me and the angst about the question seems unnecessary. If you disagree, I'm not going to disparage you.
It isn't a big deal. I don't understand your desire to call this thread silly considering other threads on the board. This is silly but:

"shut up"

"you shut up"

"no, you shut up"

isn't silly? At least when those types of posts happen, you don't call them silly.

Got it!
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden
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