I agree that a coach should be the leader of the team and there should be some intelligent limitation on how s/he acts towards players.
I, also, believe it is the parents responsibility to do two things if they disagree with a coach's methods:
1. Monitor the action of the team and find another if you do not care for the coach's actions;
2. If such a thing does occur, instead of whining and crying about it, take the opportunity to teach your child a lesson about how others act in the real world. Tell them NOT to accept such actions personally. As cliche as it may seem, remind your child of the age-old playground retort, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!" Ridiculous? Maybe, but it is true. Teach your children now that other people's words and opinions are nothing more than that.
There is no doubt that somewhere along the way, your daughters will experience such action first or second-hand. They just as well learn now that not everyone conducts themselves in the manner in which you/she/we expect or approve.
Meanwhile, get together with other parents and find a new coach.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.