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Old Tue Apr 04, 2006, 10:00am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
Posts: 14,923

Originally Posted by tomegun
If that clock read 22, down from 35, when the foul was called, you are in the soup!
(remember this is a JuCo, not a D1 or NBA game, so we are not working with professional shot-clock operators) In this particular game the shot clock operator was occassionally starting the clock too early , like after a basket when the ball was at the disposal of the in-bounder. That accounted for the extra seconds clicking off the shot clock. You think the VISITING coach would have preferred one of us had killed the play while he was pressing, set the shot clock to the proper time, then gave the HOME team a new 10-second count?

I'm not asking what you would do in a perfect world, I'm asking what have you done in the past or what you would do in the future. And in your opinion, what should the ruling have been on the play last night when the shot clock read 25 seconds and Cahill granted the time out to the Gators.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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