As previously stated, if for no other reason, this is a balk for the PAUSE in his motion.
Without the pause, such a maneuver would STILL be balk - when executed by a left or right-hander.
From your description, it seems as if the pitcher is trying to employ the deception that is typical with the "inside move" but is actually going the long way around, like the "spin move."
The reason this is a balk is because the pitcher is not moving his non-pivot foot directly toward the base. He is taking too much of a circuitous route.
I would allow the pitcher to spin the long way around, but not by making it a 2-part movement, as it would almost HAVE to be after first picking his leg up. Basically, if doesn't look continuous and direct, it's a balk. If the move offends the eyes, it's a balk.
And only experience (on the part of the umpire) can tell the difference.
David Emerling
Memphis, TN
Last edited by David Emerling; Tue Apr 04, 2006 at 09:09am.