Originally Posted by jason181988
I know of a few umpires who wear gold colored watches (cheap ones I would think) while umpiring. I find this very unprofessional and the ones that wear these aren't very good anyway.
I've tried about every thing I can think of to keep time on timed games. I've tried wearing watches but they look tacky and get busted when I catch a passed ball on the wrist. I tried bringing a stopwatch and hanging it on the outside of the fence but I kept forgetting them after the game. I tried carrying watches in my front pockets but they get broke there too. As a last resort I stuck a stopwatch in my back pocket but everyone thought I was violating the zero tolerence rule on tobacco by having a can in my backpocket. I've finally decided to have the home score/bookkeeper keep the official time. I just tell the coaches @ the plate meeting that home book has the time. End of problem.