Runner doesn't slide...
You guys are either going to love me, for bringing up some discussions, or hate me for asking the stupidest questions...I'm new to softball, work basketball, football, volleyball for several years.
Sitch: R1 forced out on slow roller to F6. She walks into the base standing up in 'give up' mode because she was obviously out. F4 made the catch for the force but made no attempt to throw to 1st for the double. There was no collission and, in fact F4 ended up going ahead and tagging R1 like she may have been confused. I called nothing, other than the out and told the coach when she came out and asked me if R1 attempted to slide that 'in my judgement you had no play at 1st so I'm not ruling the runner at 1st out'
I would like any comments...NF