Thread: Umpire attacked
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Old Sun Apr 02, 2006, 09:55am
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Originally Posted by Carl Childress
The umpire, at my urging, filed assault charges yesterday. His coach removed him from the team. No doubt there will be other repercussions.

In my 50+ years of baseball, that is the only instance I've encountered when a prep player attacked an umpire. (In football, basketball, soccer, yes; in baseball, never, until last Friday.)

My question: How did a 16-year-old "skinny" kid (he was so described to me) break free from the grasp of two adult coaches?
The coaches probably didn't think he would really attack an umpire.

It's a sad story, but sounds like it's an isolated one in your area. If we step back and think about it, this kind of thing WILL happen from time to time. People and their emotions are involved and thankfully most people that play (and are around) baseball have a good understanding of right and wrong.

Yet there are still enough stories that I've taken to calling Referee magazine "Softball, Soccer, and Assault Stories Monthly."
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