A little while ago when I was supporting umpires attending the Central Atlantic Regional Umpire Clinic, a local umpire asked if there was any reason for him to spend his money to go to such a clinic. He wanted to know if he would learn or hear anything different than what my staff would present at the state clinic.
I basically noted that one gets out of a clinic what they are willing to put into it and that many umpires, regardless of service, often learn something at a clinic.
Below are the ASA Rule Clarifcations for March. The issues concerning substitutes, the glove and CO all came directly from the regional clinic in Dulles, VA. Of course, most of you recognize the CO discussion.
Rules 3 & 4 were discussed and agree the wording was not in line with what was intended. I offered a proposed rule change to our Dir of Umpires, but as we all know, the NUS cannot arbitrarily change the rules.
The following will be a suggested rule change for next year:
8.1.D When the catcher obstructs a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball.
3. When the catcher or any other defender prevents the batter from hitting a pitched ball in any manner.
EFFECT: The ball is dead. The batter is awarded first base. All runners
advance, if forced. (FP ONLY) If during an attempted steal of home or
squeeze play, the runner from third base will also be awarded home.
Delete 8.1.D.4