Over-Runs First...Attempts Second
After batter beats out a bobbled infield dribbler up the third baseline and over-runs first base, he begins his walk back to the bag. He looks in at the ball still in the catchers hand, looks at second, *takes a long hard stride toward second*, then continues his meander back to first. He's tagged before reaching the bag, but no, Not out says Ump. "Runner was never in fair territory." Hmm.
Now, I'm not a Real Ump, just a summer volunteer for a community league...but I do read this board often....and I think I know this one. Let's see: it does NOT matter if runner turns left or right; it does NOT matter if runner is in fair or foul territory; it does NOT matter if he walks, jogs, or sprints; the only judgement is whether runner "makes an attempt" to advance to second. The attempt could be as little as one stride, or a basketball-style jab step, or a few steps of slow wander towards second, etc.
Do I have this one right?