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Old Thu Mar 30, 2006, 05:37pm
shickenbottom shickenbottom is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Western Washington
Posts: 112
There are a few things that haven't been said yet, so here they are:

1) Relax - let the game play itself, you will only need to nudge it along once in a while if it gets slow.
2) Allways bring your A game to any level of game. You never know who is watching or evaluating your performance.
3) Hustle into position.
4) Keep you eye everlastingly on the ball, glance at the runners.
5) Get set prior to viewing a play.
6) Use non-verbal coverage / communication signals with your partner when ever there is a change of batters or change in the position of runners on base.
7) Study your mechanics manual, know where to be on the field at all times.
8) Don't go looking for trouble, it most surely will find you.
9) Don't throw you partner under the bus, or you may get thrown under the bus yourself.

And finally, Anticipate possible plays but not their outcomes. Be ready to react when the play develops (ball is pitched, hit, or thrown).

Sound mechanics, timing and positioning, will help you to be in a position to see the play and make the appropriate call when it occurs.
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