Thu Mar 30, 2006, 01:06pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 259
Originally Posted by M&M Guy
Depends. Did we as a crew make that call on a similar play earlier in the game? If we did, than it needs to be called now. If we passed on that similar contact earlier, than we should pass on it now as well. If this is the first time we saw that contact all game (not likely, but possible), then we/I need to make the decision on whether to call the foul. I did not see most of that game, so I can't tell you if the crew was consistent in hand check calls, or in other block/charge calls. So I can't say if it was a good no-call on the hand check. But I do know hand-checking is a POE in NCAA-W, so I would have some explaining to do to my supervisor if we had called it early in the game, then let it go at that point.
Similarly, you mentioned the palming violation called late in the Geo. Mason/UCONN game. Had there been any other palming calls made during that game? Palming/carrying is a POE this year for NCAA-M; is there a caveat mentioned on only calling it if there's a clear advantage gained? If not, what would your explanation be for your supervisor when they ask why you let it go at that important point in the game?
I understand your point and follow clearly. No there hadn't been any other palming violations called in the UNCON game and no advantage was gained, but it was palming.