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Old Thu Mar 30, 2006, 12:28pm
Durham Durham is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Northern California
Posts: 396
Originally Posted by mcrowder
"... I am willing to learn..."

"... I am willing to open my mind and listen to other suggestions..."

Uh, no you're not. Much the opposite in fact. It's clear to 90% of the real umpires here that you "warned" too much, WAY to much in my opinion. Feel free to be in the minority here, but don't denigrate EVERYONE for disagreeing with you, especially since you specifically requested input and profess to be open to learning.

PS - I've worked in many states, and ALL of them require write-ups in short order for ANY ejections. This is not the first time you've stated erroneous assumptions about high school officiating. Did you EVER work high-school ball? Or were you born an NCAA umpire one day, right from the umpiring womb?

PPS - it's the kiss of death to get PWL on your side. That should tell you right there that you've strayed way off base and are subject to an appeal.
I asked a question, not for input on how I handled it. As for being open to learning new things I am very open. If you can show me how and why a different way is better, and it makes since to me, then why would I not use it? I am not talking about you did it wrong. If your reasoning for me doing it wrong is that I stepped on toes, I offered that my partners and I don't see it that way, and if you say that I warned too much, then you are confusing the difference between interacting with participants and actually saying that this is your warning. When I said that, the guy got ejected.

To answer your question about what order I worked ball in, I did work NCAA before I worked HS.

To answer your concern regarding PWL, I don't know this individual, nor do I know enough about them to pass judgment.
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