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Old Thu Mar 30, 2006, 02:07am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
OK, how about this then, seeing as I deliberately tried to stay away from name-calling in my first post?

You're a clueless jerk that doesn't know one damn thing about officiating. You also got no balls if you're afraid to blow your whistle at the end of a game.

That's my take on you.
U da Man, JR!!! I knew I could count on you to put this pipsqueak in his place.

He still doesn't get it though. He thinks that we are on his case because he doesn't think that was a PC foul. If that is the way he feels when seeing the play, that's just fine with me. The problem is his REASON for believing that. His reason is total garbage and if he really uses that kind of justification for his officiating decisions then he has no business being a basketball official.

And Nate, whether JR saw the play or not, he can still comment on the reasoning that you posted. It is pretty clear what he thinks of that.

Lastly, you chastise JR for not seeing the play, but posting in this thread,
Originally Posted by Nate1224hoops
Please dont comment on things you havent seen.
but you who saw the play and know everything about it can't even get the two teams who were involved correct. You have repeatedly posted Rutgers.

Originally Posted by Nate1224hoops
Decisions just like the one made in the LSU vs. Rutgers game...
Originally Posted by Nate1224hoops
The Rutgers shooter continued with the shot and knocked it down. Please dont comment on things you havent seen.

Funny, I don't recall seeing Rutgers play LSU in the tourney this year, and neither do you! Get it right! STANFORD was LSU's opponent in the game under discussion. Rutgers lost to Tennessee in Cleveland. Or you could follow your own advice and not comment on things you haven't seen.

PS You need some grammar lessons. The spell check can't cover for you there.

Originally Posted by Nate1224hoops
Your the one dictating the game with YOUR whistle. If there is a controversial call, YOUR the guy to make it. YOUR the guy that both coaches dislike and the fans are always yelling at.
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