We all make choices.
We all need to live with our choices.
The AMLU is united in its cause. I'll walk the line with them. Not to call anyone else a scab. Those who work the games are free to do so for whatever reasons they see fit. Gotta respect their decision. Just want everyone to be informed.
True internships offer realistic opportunities at their conclusion. This one doesn't. What do you call the guy who finishes last in Medical School?
Even the Federal Minimum wage has increased 21% in the last ten years. More in pricier regions of the US. Seems the guy who sweeps the floor may be doing better in some cases.
Even if this strike doesn't accomplish what AMLU is looking for, hopefully, it will change the system enough for the better that, perhaps, an action such as this won't ever be needed again. A small victory for the current generation but here's to major improvements in a flawed system for the future.
There is a fine line between courage and foolhardy. I really hope this gets settled before next week's games.