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Old Wed Mar 29, 2006, 04:53pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
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Talking Does this make you happy.

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve

Gee, I thought the "are you serious" smiley, and the little smiley face were pretty obvious examples of having a sense of humor.

I tried to be funny with you before, remember? The Eminem lyrics posting, to which you responded in kind. Then I also explained what my black friends thought of me, how they didn't see me as black or white, they saw me as Steve? You proceeded to label me incorrectly as a racist as I recall, saying that you didn't care how many of my friends were black, and yada, yada, yada. So I thought perhaps you didn't have a sense of humor yourself. Most of your posts are of a serious nature, so how is one to know you're being funny?
You lost me on this statement. Now you are telling me about Black friends you once had and conversations I do not even remember or have the time to concern myself with. Actually a lot of my post if not most have a humor side to them. I do not take anything in officiating that seriously. After all it is a hobby and I cannot get upset over something that does not pay the bills or is going to give me retirement. Just because I do not put a smiley on every post and guys like try to read too much into my posts does not mean I do not use humor. You talked about what people know about you. Just about anyone that knows me I joke, laugh and try to have a good time just about anytime I am doing something. Save the "I am not a racist" speech because nothing you say is going to change what I may or may not feel about you. I do not even know you and I have never met you. I seriously hope you are not going to change minds by that little rant?

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Ask anyone who knows me. Ask Tim Haag if I have a sense of humor. Jeez Alou, 50% or more of my comments are tongue-in-cheek. I go out of my way to indicate that what I'm saying is a joke by the overuse of smilies!
Once again get a grip. I do not need to ask anyone that knows you. I do not know anyone that knows you personally. Even the people that come here do not know me very well, they only know me from a far or when I might occasionally talk to each other.

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
BTW, when I worked football, the official on the flank directly opposite the Head Linesman was known as the Field Judge. He is the one who signals covered/uncovered with HL, and also has the 25 second clock, and initiates delay-of-game penalty. What do you call this official? I'm guessing Side Judge.
The official you are describing is called the Line Judge (in all 5 man mechanics that I know of). It has been that way for at least 10 years that I have been working football. The Side Judge and Field Judge are the wings on a 7 man crew. Now if you worked on a 7 man crew in HS that would not be typical for most of us unless you lived in places like Texas and maybe Pennsylvania. There are no Side Judges or Field Judges in 5 man crews. Now maybe you worked longer than 10 years and that was the position names, but not in the current day. (Is that good enough for you? )

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