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Old Mon Mar 27, 2006, 08:18pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve

I am mostly comparing working the plate in the hot sun (nearly every day here) in full plate gear, working all day long to working a football game.
This is an opinion. If you think working all day in the hot sun is so difficult, then so be it. My point was not what the elements are, the point was what it normally takes to get in position to make calls, the type of calls you have make and the way you have to make those calls. I worked a game in the cold (I will take a warm day anytime) and I was working the bases and all I did was stand. Every call I could have made from my car and I ran more between innings than I did actually during the game (someone else made a similar statement).

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
I know that HS football games have an extra official on each flank, so there isn't as much running as in a 3 or 4 man Pop Warner crew. The HL and FJ's responsibility is passed on to those 2 plus a Back Judge too.
I did not know we had a FJ in HS football. At least here we do not.

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
You are correct, there is not as much sustained running in baseball. But there are other factors besides running involved. I just feel that having done all three sports, that baseball is the more difficult of the three. I also have enjoyed doing baseball so much more than basketball or football, so it's the only sport which I continued officiating.
That statement says a lot. I work all three for about the same amount of time. I also work all at similar levels.

Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
It's hard for me to tell when what you say is tongue-in-cheek, and when you are serious. Most of the time you are pretty darn serious.

Have a sense of humor man. Remember this thread is basically about what mechanics are better than another and why one position is better when both are basically in the same place. This is like 6 in one hand and half a dozen in the other. Or better yet if the Sopranos are better than ER or the West Wing. It is all about taste in the end.

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