Thread: Banter
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Old Mon Mar 27, 2006, 01:20pm
MichaelVA2000 MichaelVA2000 is offline
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TC Blue,

My goal on the field is to have as little contact with the coaches and players as possible. I'm there to umpire not to bond.

Is it okay to tell a catcher that she is not framing the pitch well enough to get a strike called on the outside?

I would try adjusting my stance to get a better look. If the catcher is moving her glove trying to sell the pitch, I'll ask her to frame the pitch.

Is it okay to tell a fielder that she had a play until she dropped a ball?

Why would you want to say that? Are you there to coach or umpire?

Is it okay to joke with the the catcher to "take care of you" if you are the plate man?

My conversations with the catcher are using her as messenger to her teammates and coaches. If the catcher makes a good block or takes a foul ball off herself I'll usually say "Nice block".

Is it okay to ask a player how their season is going assuming you have met them in a previous game?

Why is that information important to you? I am civil to the players but try never to initiate frivolous conversation.

Is it okay to chew the fat with the first base coach as the defense warms up?

Once again I ask why. This coach that you've been bonding with could turn on you in a heartbeat if s/he believes you blew a call. Remain civil and postion yourself in the correct between inning position.
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