Thread: Banter
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Old Mon Mar 27, 2006, 12:06pm
David Emerling David Emerling is offline
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Location: Germantown, TN (east of Memphis)
Posts: 783
Originally Posted by tcblue13
Is it okay to chew the fat with the first base coach as the defense warms up?
I've always been taught that the BU should stand out in short right field during team warm-ups. This is a neutral area and removes the possibility for the umpire to engage in any kind of conversation with the game participants (players or coaches).

As the PU, I've always been taught to stand near the foul line, about 20-feet away from homeplate during warm-ups. I alternate between the 1st baseline and the 3rd baseline. I always stand on the side of the defense since there are generally less people in the nearby dugout - thereby less of an opportunity to engage in a conversation. I focus on the pitcher warming-up and am quick to give the catcher another ball on a wild pitch.

This routine is designed with two things in mind:
1) It is consistent and looks professional
2) It keeps the umpire out of between inning banter

When I work the plate, I don't like working with a partner who feels the need to come toward me and have a conversation during warm-ups. If there's something important to discuss, fine, but not to discuss his favorite TV show.

I particularly don't like my partner to approach me after a controversial inning. This makes the umpires look unsure, overly concerned, and conspiratorial.

David Emerling
Memphis, TN
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