Thread: Slung the bat
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Old Mon Mar 27, 2006, 09:56am
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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Originally Posted by Al
In USSSA coach pitch throwing a bat results in a team warning and the next player that throws a bat is called out, with no one advancing on the play. It's a complete judgment call as to what constitutes a thrown bat. I had to use that judgment a few times last year, and only once did the second offense come where I rules an out, and I had no arguments from any coaches. I don't judge a bat to have been thrown, unless it is pretty obvious and could have put someone in harms way. ..I did have one lady tell me she thinks I should call it more often. I told her I don't think just tossing the bat down towards foul territory, as they are starting towards first base, is what is meant by throwing the bat. In a nice way I told her if she wants to make judement calls she should seek an umpire job. ...

Nothin' like fun at the ole' ball park!
Please tell me the rule that supports this in the rule book. I believe you are confusing a local rule with a USSSA rule.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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