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Old Sun Mar 26, 2006, 08:44pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by socalreff
The officials on the UConn game today did an outstanding job today. As a crew they were very consistent calling similar plays the same way on both ends including the points of emphasis. I do give credit where I believe it's due and I think that all 4 regional finals were officiated very well. I guess that's why those guys are on those games.
My biggest gripe with officials is when they don't do a good job of enforcing the points of emphasis as handed down by the boss. It just makes it harder for everyone to be consistent when some do and some don't. That's all.
It is easy for you and me to say this while sitting on our couches. Not sure what POEs you feel should be called, but I can tell you that not everything is easily seen on TV. Just because there is a POE does not mean you throw out all aspects of officiating to make a single call.

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