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Old Sun Mar 26, 2006, 05:02pm
ctblu40 ctblu40 is offline
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Posts: 505
Originally Posted by Strike3UROUT
Worse thing I've ever had a partner do is NOT SHOW UP!!!!!!

Nothing worse than having your partner NOT show up and NOT call the school to let them know.

I've never had it happen in baseball before but it has happened 3 times so far in softball. Since softball has the shorter 60 foot bases and the teams didn't want to go to the hassle of re-scheduling they agreed to play with just one ump.

I made it very clear that I would do it ONLY if I got both checks and ONLY if I didn't hear any crap from either side on close calls.

All 3 times the games went fine (2 were actually 10 run rule blowouts). Actually if you clear the catcher and head toward 1st base you get a heck of a good angle on "bangers" on first. One time I had a good tag and an out on a steal at second but since I had just cleared the plate I ask them to "show me the ball". When the 2nd baseman showed the ball I called the runner out with no arguments.
I agree, it's bad to just be a no-show... but it's worse to arrive after the halfway point of a game and want the pay anyway... which will be explained below.
Last season, mid-July, I showed up for an American Legion double header- two 7's. About 10 min 'til gametime, still no partner. I call my assignor... no answer. I proceed to the field and talk to both coaches and they agree to use a single umpire and they "will be nice."
In the fifth inning of the SECOND game, my partner arrives and tries to sneek into the A position. I hear the coach at 1B emphatically request time.
My "partner" approaches and says, "sorry, I had the wrong start time."
I assured him that I had things handled and he went to the parking lot. After the game, he asked me if I picked up his check... I just left in amazement!
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