My assertion that the umpire should call the pitch a ball or strike based on
where it would have been absent the contact with the batter in the event the pitch hits the batter before reaching the strike zone is based on the following statement from J/R (Chapter 7 - One Base Awards, (1) The batter is hit-by-pitch (HBP) -
my emphasis):
EG: A batter is crouched near the plate and rolls his shoulder into a curve ball, attempting to be hit by the pitch. The ball is dead, but he is not awarded first base. If the pitch was (or would have been) a strike, it is called as such.
So, if a pitcher throws a pitch "right down the middle" and the batter, who is standing forward in the box, reaches out his hand and is hit by the pitch just before it enters the heart of the strike zone, are you going to call the pitch a ball or a strike? It seems entirely consistent with the spirit and intent of the rules to call such a pitch a strike. What do you think?
P.S. I can't find anything in the JEA, MLBUM, or BRD that addresses the situation.