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Old Sat Mar 25, 2006, 08:07pm
TussAgee11 TussAgee11 is offline
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Never thought I'd see this one...

Oh my, what a play.

Runner on 1st, 0-2 pitch. The ball slips out of the pitchers hand and starts rolling in...

I was ready to call balk (didn't look like it was getting to the plate), but somehow it rolled into the box. All the while the runner on 1st has taken off for second.

The batter just stands in the box as the ball rolls into his foot. His foot was in fair territory. I say "Dead Ball". Now what, I'm thinking to myself.

a) Balk? (the ball stopped in fair territory) Award the runner 2nd (which he was getting anyway).

b) HBP? (technically the rule says that the batter can not move and get hit by the pitch)

c) Dead Ball - ball (the batter intentionally got struck with the pitch, even though he didn't move, the ball was rolling in there, a turtle could have avoided). But then what do I do with the runner? I'm guessing I would put him back to first.

I chose dead ball HBP and awarded the runner 1st. R1 awarded 2nd. Luckily everyone was smiling enough to where the only person that was ticked was the defensive coach. He wanted a dead ball strike - coaches never cease to amaze me.

I think I made the correct technical choice per the rules, which is all I can do. I'm not interested in killing the play as the ball is rolling in and calling a balk for game managment purposes. Not my job. I called what was in the rules I believe, (I looked it up and think I got it right). I just couldn't believe what I saw though! Thats the great thing about baseball, everyday, you could see something you'll never see again.
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