A Lady Friend
Its not the size of the steel-toe shoes that matter, it's how you use them and how often you use them.
Search Shoe Size --> If the shoe fits, then wear it.
Nonsensical? Please make sure your seated and ready for THIS.
Syllogism: syl·lo·gism [ síllə jìzzəm ] (plural syl·lo·gisms), noun
1. logical argument involving three propositions: a formal deductive argument made up of a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. An example is, "All birds have feathers, penguins are birds, therefore penguins have feathers."
2. deductive reasoning: reasoning from the general to the specific
3. example of deduction: an example of deductive reasoning
4. specious argument: a subtle piece of reasoning, or one that seems true but is actually false or deceptive
[14th century. Via Latin < Greek sullogismos < sullogizesthai "infer" < logos "reason"]
Now if YOU say Syllogism to your LADY friend three times in a hurry. She'll either freak or ask if your're wearing protection.
Keep your eyes closed and say aloud, "Yeah, I've got my steel-toed shoes on." Then lay back and wait for the VIBRATIONS.
Last edited by SAump; Sat Mar 25, 2006 at 06:32am.