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Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 02:46pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
I'm probably the only one that feels that way, but my question is this -- why the HELL is another person, official or not, even getting near the game officials' locker room during a contest?
That's my problem with this whole situation. Bailey had no business in the locker room at halftime of this game, especially a game of this magnitude. So Bailey starts out with "no benefit of the doubt". I'm going to lean towards Montgomery version of events until I hear or read something different. That's not saying I absolve Montgomery from any wrong-doing in this situation, but it means because Bailey's actions were wrong in the first place I give the benefit of the doubt concerning their particular dispute to Montgomery.

IMO, once Montgomery left the locker room he should have put Bailey and the argument behind him and dealt with it later. Say maybe, at halftime of Bailey's game?? But based upon the rules of the tournament venue and/or the KHSAA Montgomery actions may have warranted his removal from the game, I can't speak to that. I can only speak to whether or not I find Montgomery's version of events believeable and credible on its face. And based upon MY life's experiences and those of others I explicitly trust, I find Montogomery story plausible until otherwise contradicted. But that is just an opinion, it doesn't make me right or wrong.