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Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 11:47am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
My bone of contention in this thread is that people believe Mr. Montgomery's version of the events without having any real basis to do so. It's not a matter of doubting Mr. Montgomery's word; it's a matter of not having any solid information available to us that would prove that his version was correct. We have not heard his adversary's version, which no doubt will be completely different. We have not heard from any (supposedly)neutral observers such as Mr. Montgomery's partners who must have been in the dressing room, or the tournament director(s) who saw the altercation spill out into public view.

We are not privy to the court rulings and the reasonings involved that denied Mr. Montgomery's appeal. Until we have heard all of the details, I don't think that there is nearly enough information available to decide what version is correct. Iow, I think that both parties should get the benefit of the doubt as to what happened in the dressing room. To do otherwise without definitive information as to what actually took place is just not fair to either party imo.
Now we need evidence to draw a conclusion? I have heard nothing but conclusions from the time this story was posted on this thread of what Victor did wrong and why was he involving himself in holding up the game. All that rhetoric sounds like a conclusion to me.

I can speak as an African-American and my experiences. I feel that what Mr. Montgomery's story is believable and understandable from what his actions were. Now it is very easy for a bunch of people that have not walked in those kinds of shoes to go around making clear judgments about what should have been the reaction. I do not need to hear all the sides just like those who where not there need to hear all the sides of the story. Just because we hear all sides is not going to change anything. What this story tells me is Baily probably does not have a leg to stand on and that is why you probably do not hear him talking at all about what he did. Now that is just my opinion, but that is all we are talking about here. No one was there, no one that I am aware of even saw the incident or know what happen. It is also a reality that the KHSAA is not going to come out and give all the details to this story either. We will never know all the sides. We will only know what both of the officials say about it and I am sure both sides of this story will be a little different. I totally believe Mr. Montgomery's story just like I believe a lot of stories from victims of racism because similar things happen a lot in this country. I do not expect people that are not African-American to believe this story until you see video tape like a Rodney King situation. People of color always seemed to have to prove something took place to them as it relates to racial issues and the benefit of the doubt is given to those that are accused. Change this situation to a rape case and flip the races of the people and it the victim is totally believed on many levels. This situation is just another example that we have a long way to go in this country's racial issues. I have read nothing in this thread but speculation and judgment and now you JR want to tell everyone how to feel is just not your place. I think anyone can come to a conclusion just like you have and we do not need all the evidence that you want to come to that conclusion.
