Originally Posted by SC Ump
I agree with you on this one.
F5's obstruction in this situation turned out to be a "benefit" and not a "hinderance". If the "benefit" allowed the runner to only get four steps short of home plate, I am not authorized to give her the remaining distance as an award.
You are not authorized to put her back on 3B, either. You protect the runner to 3B or H. If H, you must give them the score. If 3B, you must call the runner out since she has passed the base to which you protected her.
It has always seemed to me that there is no "penalty" for obstruction.
That is correct. The old NFHS rule which mandated a one base advance on OBS calls tended to deter umpires from making the call, especially on pick-off plays. The coaches knew that and were teaching their players to block the base and placing them in danger of being injured for no good reason. There is also a tendency of some umpires who think they are on a jury in a civil suit against some corporate giant and want to give the runner extra bases as a penalty to the defense.