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Old Mon Mar 20, 2006, 11:05am
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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This kind of statement worries me.

Originally posted by ggk
... a base hit to the outfield gives the base ump no call ...
The base umpire absolutely has a call. And partners that feel there is no call absolutely worry me.

The base umpire is absolutely responsible for the runner touching first base (one call) and ensuring there is no obstruction with F3 (another call), and possibly any subsequent play made on the batter runner at either first or second base (another call).

Agreeably, on any given play, those calls may not need to be made, but they are absolutely there and they are absolutely the responsibility of the base umpire.

The casual partner that watches the filght of the ball and might wander towards the infield, never button-hooking or paying attention to the Batter-Runner is going to create some major problems when any of those calls NEED TO BE MADE and the base umpire has his back to the play/call.

Two man mechanics are difficult enough without one of the partners deciding that "Well for this play, we're going to use ONE MAN MECHANICS." (Because I don't know my responsibilities and I'm too lazy to do my job.)

In my district, I like to say that the base umpire has the LAST RUNNER ALL THE WAY TO THIRD - and if there is only one runner (BR), he is the LAST runner.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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