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Old Fri Mar 17, 2006, 06:54pm
bkbjones bkbjones is offline
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Originally posted by Andy
I'll agree with the rest of the group on this particular situation. With the circumnstances of the game at that point, it's probably not worth it to toss the coach.

However, had this been a closer, better played contest, the coach gets a maximum one warning. After that, the next time they start in on the strike zone, adios!

Generally, I allow some chirping about the strike zone, particularly on close pitches or if I am struggling with the zone myself (yes, it has happened! ). If the chirping becomes contant or if it becomes loud and boisterous - then I address it.
I am the same way to a depends on what the chirping is about and to the degree I might be stuggling with the ol' zone. At the same time, I have discreetly told the coach that I know and they know it and everyone in the same ZIP code knows it and I would really appreciate s/he not giving everyone a reminder. Done in a professional way, it can help put a stop to it.

We do, however, have some rather OOO and a couple egomaniacs who allow no chirping whatsoever...IMHO all that does is make a bad sitch much worse.

And I, too, have had the IFF for the triple play. If they wanna give outs away, I never ever stand in their way.
An ucking fidiot
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