You didn't annoy anyone (or at least not me) - my question was asked in seriousness, as most of the questions you ask are things that are covered in the very earliest clinics. I suspected you might be someone thrown into the breach with no real training. Kudos for taking up the charge.
Honestly, though, you will find it 100 time more beneficial to find and attend a clinic or three. While we can answer, ad infinitum, every individual question you could think of - each of those are merely slivers of the picture. You need to learn the picture itself.
You can ask, for example, "Is interference a dead ball". We'd start by saying yes. Someone would then correct that by reminding us that catcher's interference (which is technically obstruction) is a delayed dead ball, at which point we'd argue terminology, and end up proving that a fastball cannot rise.
On another thread, however, you ask "what is interference" - the two may or may not tie together, and it's logical that you would need a full understanding of what constitutes interference BEFORE asking if (or when) it's a dead ball.
A clinic, however, would teach you the rules in broader stroke, and in an order in which the other rules will make more sense. You'll find that 90% of the questions you ask for absolute answers on will not have absolute answers that are true 100% of the time.
Hope that helps. Welcome to the fold.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson