Originally posted by nickrego
Runner on 1st: B
Runner on 2nd: C
Runner on 3rd: B
Puts me closer to 1st (where the play is most likely)
Calling a Pick-Play at 3rd is no different from
calling a Pick-Play at 1st from C
Runner on 1st & 2nd: C
Runner on 1st & 3rd: B
Puts me in position for a play at 1st, 2nd,
or double play at 1st & 2nd
(where the play is most likely)
Runner on 1st, 2nd & 3rd: B
Puts me in position for a play at 1st, 2nd,
or double play (where the play is most likely)
These are the preferred 2-Man mechanics of our High School association, and I prefer them.
I think Papa C. has a rhyme about being in C, but I couldnt find it at the moment.
Something like;
B oh B, how I hate to be in C !
For 1st and 3rd, 3rd only, or bases loaded, I still prefer C, because that was the way it was taught when I learned.
The pickoff at 3rd from B is
not the same as the pickoff at 1st from C. The angle you get with a runner returning to 3rd is vastly different than one returning to 1st. If the runner at first was diving back from the home plate side of the first base line, then your statement would be correct. The best angle to call a runner going back into 3rd is in C. All you have to do is turn to your right, and you have an almost perfect angle (very close to a 90 degree angle). From B, the angle is more closed (far less than an ideal 90 degrees).
I understand why many people prefer B. The argument that pickoffs at 3rd are rare, and that it's more likely that a play will be at first base is a valid argument. I personally have no problem getting from C to the proper position to make all calls at 2nd or 1st. I would have no chance on a pickoff at 3rd to get a good angle from B.
Nlump50, starting in B with a runner on 2nd only, how do you call the steal of third? You need to have an angle closer to the 3rd base line, and from B you just can't get there.
From C, all you need to do is run a few steps in and toward the line on an angle, and you are a)at a good angle to call the play, and b)much closer to the play, and less likely to have a coach in your face asking why you were so far from the play).