Originally posted by Tim C
Dave Yeast said it far better than I could have:
"Any umpire that feels he has to start in "B" to get to the next play when he was supposed to start from "C" isn't much of an umpire.
"An umpire can move from "C" to the exact same position that is attained by starting incorrectly in "B".
"We have studied starting positions over the years and have selected, with much thought, where we want umpires to be."
Of course that is just his opinion.
If you're implying that anyone that uses the mechanic I sugested is a bad umpire it's a shame you have to go there instead of discussing the pros and cons of both.
I simply stated the facts as I see them.
1. At least two states endorse and teach this mechanic. I'm sure there are many more I simply have not done the research.
2. The per centages work in favor of this mechanic.
If you disagree with any of these 2 statements I think it would be an interesting discussion.
Perhaps the mechanic I'm using is not as effective as the old style. Could you please point me to the research and testing you previously refered to so I can better evaluate the two mechanics.