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Old Fri Mar 17, 2006, 01:48pm
Skahtboi Skahtboi is offline
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Originally posted by shipwreck
During HS ball, I routinely work with the same partner. We have it worked out that whoever is PU will always go to their partner when requested. One difference though, if as PU we know we nailed it correctly, we will take off our mask and ask our partner. If on the other hand we aren't for sure and really do want help we will do the same but put their name on the question first. As BU if we hear our name called on this we will give them an honest call, what we saw. If no name is heard we just mirror our partner's call. Even if you don't work with the same partner very often you could go over this with them before the game. Dave
If you are the BU, you should call what you saw, not what your partner wants. Anything else, like this special code you mention, IMO, is just plain wrong.

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