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Old Thu Mar 16, 2006, 06:51pm
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Re: Re: Well,

Originally posted by Sal Giaco
Originally posted by Tim C

..."B" -- The starting position for the BU with runners on certian bases under certain mechanic systems. Located in a position part way between the back of the pitcher's mound and second base in a line disected by an imaginary line that runs approximately from the inside line of the left handed batters box to the first base edge of the second base bag...
There's got to be a way to simplify this positioning for novice umpires. I've been doing this a while and had to reread it a couple times. Probably just me though
We were always taught to use an imaginary line between home plate and the edge of the mound, midway or a bit more toward second base between the back of the mound and second base. If for some reason a mound is unusually large or small in diameter, adjust accordingly.

(Sal, it's probably easier to describe on a diagram!)

From this postion, on a steal of second, I take a drop step back and toward second base with my right foot, open up to the throw, let the ball turn me into the play, and end up inside the cut in really good position.
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