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Old Thu Mar 16, 2006, 11:11am
Justme Justme is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 477
Originally posted by gotblue?
In a recent clinic, it was noted that I was not tracking pitches all the way to the catcher's mitt as well as I should. Are there any good drills or exercises that I can do outside of (i.e., in addition to) the cages or games that will help me improve in this area?

Also, I would appreciate hearing any pros/cons regarding keeping your head square with the body in a heel/toe stance (i.e., facing approximately F4), and moving your eyes to see the release of the pitch, versus having your head square to the pitcher, and looking straight at the release.

I know that these are basic questions/issues, and I apologize if they have been discussed in earlier posts. With the search function disabled, I went back through many pages of posts to see if these might have been addressed, but found nothing.
I do not know of any drills to help you with tracking the ball without having a ball to track. Just try to set-up so that you can see the entire plate and follow the ball all the way with your eyes (keep your head still).

After more than 20 years I switched to the GD stance 2 seasons ago and face F1 (I have always faced F1). I need to see what he's doing or not doing. At higher levels their moves are quicker so more attention needs to be paid to them. At the lower levels their moves are 'stranger' and more attention needs to be paid to them.

I find that the GD stance allows me a better view of the pitch all the way in, you might want to try it.

Good luck

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